So today was parent teacher night at my eldest son's school. I was excited to go and speak with his teachers to see what he has been up to in class. He is a decent student and never gets into any trouble, so I almost never hear anything from his teachers. They basically all love him! The report was not bad aside from the missing homework issue.
As usual I took Hana along for the trip to the school. I think she thought everyone was there for her because she was
soo chatty to all of the teachers and parents who stopped to look at and talk to her. I never heard her talk that much. it was "
ba" this and "la-la" was very cute. I also think she scored her big bro some major points with his instructors
LOL. They always send messages home before the meeting telling Aaron to make sure his mom brings his sister. Maybe they are just accustomed to seeing her because I've been bringing her since she was 2 months old.
Everything was pretty easy except when it came time to feed Hana. I tried giving her a bottle but I think it was just one of those days when she was not going for it. I think this was one of the few times I became flushed and very very apprehensive. Out of no where she went from happy cooing princess to cranky hungry cutie. We were sitting outside one of the classrooms waiting for the teacher finish up with the family ahead of us. I was hoping that the teacher would hurry up and come out, so we could go inside and I could nurse the baby there but it didn't happen. It just sucked because the hallways were teaming with teens and their parents, staff and security. I'm all for nursing in public as you know but i think this was my wall. Think
pre-teen boys stopping to gawk at my exposed boob, their parents getting all crazy, and you can kind of understand my hesitance. In the end I decided to go into the staircase and latch her on, cover her up and return to the place where I was sitting. That worked out well but she was trying to snatch off the little blanket that I covered up with. Bad baby....naughty.
It felt weird nursing in the school....but at least my son didn't get embarrassed. He knows it's perfectly normal to nurse a baby, and I'm so glad that he learned that. As we were leaving his school for the night he said the most awesome thing to me. "mom, I want you to nurse my kids when I become a dad" I laughed and replied "that by then I'll be too old and explained that ladies only make milk when they have little babies", he fired right back in a "matter of fact" way and said " then my wife has no choice, she better feed my children from her own breast"!