I have finally found some relief from the pulling and stretching! It's called "The Raz Baby Raz-Berry Silicone Teether".
I picked this up on a whim during a methodical trip to the supermarket. I was lingering in the baby isle (as I tend to do), when I saw this cute/yummy looking toy hanging high above the baby food. I picked it up and examined it. The item resembles a pacifier in construction but is not designed for continuous sucking. IT'S A CHEW TOY! I have a hundred and one teething rings for Hana but none like this.
Fast forward and after a thorough cleaning I had a oldest son offer it to her, (I was affraid that she would think I was trying to give her another pacifier). I think she thought it was food because her little eyes lit up and she opened her mouth as if expecting to taste a strawberry.
Success! she loves it! she chewed the berry part, and the leaf part,.....even the ring part! Every part has texture so it all good for her. wanna know the best part?? Her oh so fun activity of chew and stretch mommy's nipples has waned by at least 80% and that makes for a happy mommy and better nursing for booth of us!! Out of all her teething toys, she has taken to this like no other.
Still no teeth in sight.......... but I guess she's taking her time so I can enjoy my last baby =^_^=
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