I found this cool site where you can order your blog printed out and book bound! This is exactly what I have been looking for and the whole reason I started my first blog "Awaiting Baby". It was something I decided to create earlier this year to chronicle my pregnancy. I wanted to have all my feelings down on paper, so I could look back on them, and share them with my Daughter someday,
I ordered the hard cover book over the soft cover because I want it to last and not worry about the cover ripping or getting bent. Above is a preview of one of the book sections.
Writing that blog was really something that helped me get through the hardships and woes of pregnancy. It is also nice to look back on all the wonderful stages I went through to get to the point where I had my new baby in my arms. Good, bad, and in the middle, the blog was a great experience and I can't wait to see it all printed out.
I think I will make a few books. .....
- Once my breastfeeding journey is completed, I will definitely make a "Milk Book"
- A cookbook for my cookin' mama blog
- and a picture book for my birth story & and another to chronicle my girls first year of life
- and maybe lots more LOL!!
I'm trying www.viovio.com for my photo books, and blog2print for the blog books. I hear viovio has good prices for the photo books.
1 comment:
When you get one I would like to see/hear what you think. I've thought about doing this with sections of my blog (baby number 4 just doesn't have the same scrapbooks as the first 3!)
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