Saturday, October 31, 2009
Nursing on wheels
Today I took bottles of BM with me so I don't have to NOTG. When I got home I offered my LO a bottle too. She gave me the oddest of looks (kinda like "you know you better give me the good stuff..I've been good all day!") so yes.....I got the girls out and gave her fresh milk lol!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Milkin' Scared
In lieu of the whole "trick or treating" thing, I threw my 6 year old son a party! I have never planned and executed a kid Halloween party before, but I must say it was a success! I bought all kinds of cake, candy, treats and candy apples. The kids had a blast. I picked 4 of Ryan's friends up from school (I could have never done this in my old car) and then met 3 more at the house. It was all boys (well one friend had his little sister with him) rough housing and doing what little boys do. Needless to say it was noisy! Very.
The kids loved the decorations that my sister gave us, and indulged in the chips and soda (provided by dad) to their hearts content. everything went as planned. The only thing That went ....well not wrong..but odd, was that the kids could not stop watching the "THRILLER" video. over and over they watched MJ in high deff. It got so bad they wanted to see the "BAD" and "Billy Jean" ones too! My oldest son was laughing at them the whole time.
During the party I became swollen, but could not breastfeed because I didn't want to offend or have one of the boys go home exclaiming they saw something inappropriate. So this time I just gave the baby a bottle of BM and called it a night. There was no time for me to slip away and pump so I just suffered......and suffer I did, because when I did hit the pump...I put out about a good 7oz! Hana took care of the left side.
now I start planing Thanksgiving.......maybe I'll cook...maybe I'll go to someone's house. we'll see...
Paparazzi Shuffle
Hana ~aka~ "milk monster" @ a few hours old

Monday, October 26, 2009
Cheese........Made From BreastMilk!!
I ran into this post below and thought it would be cool to share it. Cheese from human milk?! I don't know if I'd try this.......I'm stuck between curiosity and cautiousness.
"Human Breast Milk Cheese… Made in France…
I’m an adventurous eater… But I’m not too sure about this one…
Le Petit Singly is a farm that specializes in making cheese from women’s breast milk. Are you imagining the milking process?
The cheese is produced exactly like it would be for cow’s milk and apparently tastes like it has hints of hazelnut… And you can order breast milk cheese online from le Petit Singly, if you’re interested."
Now this is what I found regarding human cheese......
"There are currently no well-known documented cases of human cheese being produced. Human breast milk is on average 5% protein, which is a smaller concentration than that in both goat and cow cheese. Because protein is necessary for milk to curdle, the low percentage of protein in human milk may prevent curdling from occurring."
The only thing left for me to try it!
Before I Forget
I picked up those BF'ing PJ's. They are cool I guess. If I sound a little disappointed, I am. My brain kinda imagined awesome garments that soothed the boobs and simultaneously milked me too!. Oh well....What I bought is just an elongated glorified nursing bra. Flaps are nice, but should anyone PAY EXTRA for them?? In my opinion, NO. Bellyaching aside, The night wear is nice, and when it came time to use the flaps.....I was glad I had them.
In other news I'm still sick. Hana is beginning to cough as well. I called the pediatrician today, and she said if the baby's symptoms get worse I should bring her in or to the ER. I hope we are better in time for the baptism next week. I want my LO to be in good health(all the time &) for the big family day. I was thinking about rescheduling it, but then I would have to re-do the invites. Not fun!
I changed my mind on the dress. It's now between the two dresses below. I have until Friday to choose in order to get it in time. These dresses are much more affordable than the previous one I picked out. Which one do you think I should go for 1 or 2?
Dress#1 Dress#2

Oatmeal..........does work. I've been eating it at least once a day and I have noticed a continued increase in my milk supply. Good thing I like it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Off Topic: Frozen in time
Us moms always joke that we would like to freeze time and keep our cute babies little forever. Well this child is actually living this reality.
ABC's story below......
"Brooke Greenberg is the size of an infant, with the mental capacity of a toddler.
She turned 16 in January. she is old enough to drive, but still rides in a car seat.
"Why doesn't she age?" Howard Greenberg, 52, asked of his daughter. "Is she the fountain of youth?"
Such questions are why scientists are fascinated by Brooke. Among the many documented instances of children who fail to grow or develop in some way, Brooke's case may be unique, according to her doctor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine pediatrician Lawrence Pakula, in Baltimore.
"Many of the best-known names in medicine, in their experience ... had not seen anyone who matched up to Brooke," Pakula said. "She is always a surprise."
Brooke hasn't aged in the conventional sense. Dr. Richard Walker of the University of South Florida College of Medicine, in Tampa, says Brooke's body is not developing as a coordinated unit, but as independent parts that are out of sync. She has never been diagnosed with any known genetic syndrome or chromosomal abnormality that would help explain why.
In a recent paper for the journal "Mechanisms of Ageing and Development," Walker and his co-authors, who include Pakula and All Children's Hospital (St. Petersburg, Fla.) geneticist Maxine Sutcliffe chronicled a baffling range of inconsistencies in Brooke's aging process. She still has baby teeth at 16, for instance. And her bone age is estimated to be more like 10 years old.
"There've been very minimal changes in Brooke's brain," Walker said. "Various parts of her body, rather than all being at the same stage, seem to be disconnected."
Brooke's mother, Melanie Greenberg, 48, sees a different picture. "She loves to shop," Greenberg said. "Just like a woman."
Brooke rides in a stroller while her mom shops for clothes in the infant sections of department stores near their home in a Baltimore suburb. That Brooke is in her mid-teens is so mind-boggling that if another mother with a toddler asks Greenberg how old Brooke is, she usually doesn't try to explain.
"My system always has been to turn years into months," Greenberg said. "So, if someone asked today, I might say, she's 16 months old."
For more of Brooke's story, watch the documentary, "Child Frozen In Time," Sunday, Aug. 9 at 9 p.m. on TLC."
Off Topic : Stroller Queen!
Holly Schultz is the stroller queen! No, seriously I love all her demo's. When I was pregnant I watched everything she researched. I recently saw her demo of the new Baby Jogger, & iCandy Peach That debuted at the ABC Kids Expo in September. These strollers rocks! It can transform into an amazing double use buggy. If you have babies of the same or even different ages you can use this stroller!
I am a mama of one baby and two big boys so right now I may not get full use of all the features these strollers has to offer, but they're soo awesome it makes me entertain the idea of having another child..(I would love to have 2 daughters!).........but......(JUST KIDDING! REALLY...KIDDING). Anyway these are great strollers. That's the thing about life....newer, better products are always coming out. At this rate people will just start renting strollers so they can trade up latter LOL!
I've included the youtube link and the review below. HAPPY LOOKING!! Don't forget to tell me what you think.
iCandy Peach
Baby Jogger New City Select Stroller Coming Soon!
Baby Jogger debuted their new City Select 2010 Stroller at the ABC Kids Expo this past week! The City Select is a multi-functional stroller that gives parents the ability to mix and match seats, bassinets and car seats to make the stroller perfect for them. The City Select starts out as a single stroller but expands to a double by using Baby Jogger’s unique patented attachment method. No need to buy a single AND a double stroller! Love that!
In order to turn the stroller into a double, a sold separately double conversion kit is required. There are 16 unique seating combinations from double tiered car seats to a bassinet and a single seat. The only seating combo it doesn’t do is a double bassinet option. The City Select features Baby Jogger’s famous Quick-Fold Technology making it the only in-line stroller to fold flat in one simple step. With a 45 lb per seat weight capacity, the City Select will last you through your stroller years.
Features of the Baby Jogger City Select:
- Unique multi-function design allows you to select your seating arrangement
- 16 unique seating combinations (with double conversion kit)
- Hand operated parking brake
- 12″ forever-air rear and 8″ lightweigh dual front quick-release wheels with front wheel suspension and sealed ball bearings
- Multi-position seat recline for passenger comfort
- Multi-position sun canopy with peek-a-boo window and adjustable head height up to two additional inches
- Adjustable 5-point safety harness with shoulder pads and buckle cover
- Multi-position foot well tilt adds leg support for smaller children
- Telescoping handlebar with wipe clean grip
- large under seat basket can be accessed from all sides
- Secure fold latch to keep stroller folded for transportation or storage
- Comes in 3 colors: Ruby (Red), Onyx (Black) and Diamond (White)
The Baby Jogger City Select is a great stroller for those parents looking for the versatility of a single and a double. It will be available December 2009! Stay tuned for my full review and video review of the Baby Jogger City Select as soon as they come out!"
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sleepwear Boogie
Being knocked out by a cold/flu kinda makes you re-think your sleepwear. I've been giving my bed some serious one on one time lately trying to recover from a stuffy/runny nose, headaches, body aches, OJ inhaling illness. Aside from pulling myself up and out for some key occasions most of my time is spent in my "sick bay".
I realized something last night while trying to nurse my LO. The PJ's I had on were NOT meant to wear while feeding. They didn't pull up or down. When it came time to feed Hana I fussed with my clothes, meanwhile she got more and more impatient. In the end I just took the darn top off!! Another thing that hit me was that if I'm serious about bf'ing I am going to have to invest in some night clothes that allow for easy access to "the girls". I know......the phrase "duhh" comes to mind, but remember my baby was born in the summer, so I had the mini tank things or bare as an option.
Anywho....I have a few nursing tops that I bought sariler this year, so for tonight I'll use those, but come Friday I'm going into the city to the maternity store to see if they have anything that I can sleep & feed in. Hopefully by then I am feeling better and up for the journey.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This illness could not be any timelier since I think the baby is going through a growth spurt. She is nursing like a little monster lately. At about 1 am or so she begins feeding fervently. A few nights back she drank so much, I was left completely empty! she was fussing for more so I tried to just keep nursing her but the milk was not coming fast enough. I broke down and gave her a bottle of expressed milk.
It's been like this for a few days, but now my body has got the hint and now at the same time of night there is now a lot of milk available. I would be happy but being sick and all, I don't feel up to dragging myself up in bed to pump. Needless to say that I suffered engorgement last night. I was hoping the baby would drink up the milk but as it turns out she was sleepy.
I am not looking forward to tonight.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Baby Falls!
It's a miracle the baby is ok. Watching this video made my heart jump into my throat
Other moms and myself would like to know what brand of stroller that was. It kept the baby safe (with god's help of course) and I would definitely make it my next stroller if I needed a replacement.
again.....what a blessing that was, baby was not harmed. It reminds me of the balloon incident that was all over tv yesterday. I prayed soo much that the kid inside the balloon would land safely. Even thou he was safe and sound at home the whole time....I'm still glad he is safe.
update----5:37pm - -just heard it may be a Phil & Ted stroller ...but it could be a rip-off look alike as well. )
update#2----5:45pm----I looked around and found the review below about the stroller on this was the problem??? I retract my statement on buying this ever!
"3. the brake on this is very difficult to have to lift it up or put it down with your foot, and it's a very stiff break. While it does loosen up a bit over time, it's still practically impossible to do in sandals or flip flops (which is a big problem for me during the summer). Also, it snaps very forcefully in and out of place, which will definitely wake up a sleeping child in this stroller. "
"A 6-month-old baby in Australia survived being run over by a train because he was strapped securely into his baby stroller.
The baby’s mother was temporarily distracted by an oncoming train as she waited on an elevated train platform. Her baby son’s stroller rolled off the platform and onto the tracks just as the train ran over it. Grainy video shows the mother desperately reaching for her baby and nearly being hit by the train herself. She then screams hysterically as onlookers walk away in shock"Cow Party!
I mean that in the most loving way of course......Today I attended a party for breastfeeding mothers. It was thrown by a community organization to help us bf'ing moms connect with Lactation professionals and other moms. It was a nice treat.
The party started at 1 pm. Walking in at 1:15 sharp (lol) I was greeted by the host of the event, shown around to the different tables of foods and given a "Breastfeeding Promotion Packs" that contained lots of free samples from diapers to breast pads, to nipple cream....even milk storage bags! The speaker congratulated us on our" investment in our babies and ourselves" Saying lots of things like how "wonderful and beneficial exclusively breastfeeding is" ect... I got a chance to sit with my baby and other mothers and children to exchange bf'ing knowledge, tips, and tricks.
All in all, it was a very nice (food filled) experience. LC's are always very friendly and primed to dole out their wealth of knowledge.
Funny thing.....the men that went were all huddled in one corner chatting and eating while the ladies buzzed around the room. Every time a new husband or boyfriend came, the walked a bit with their woman and eventually ended up in the "man corner". It was very funny to see.
and yes, we all whipped out the girls with no reservations when it came time to feed the babies.....and every baby seemed to be hungry.
on a side's just seems so odd to celebrate something that should be second nature. I guess somewhere in time formula took over what the norm was.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Rapidly Reproducing
After just doing my part to over populate the planet, I am beginning to think my baby's things have started to multiply on their own. The swings, bassinets, bottles, clothes, car seats, high chairs ect are beginning to take over my otherwise spacious living room. Between the things I purchased and the gifts I realize I have too much stuff. Good thing I got rid of stroller #2 before they piled up too. The only thing I wish I had more of is the breast pump and socks. My little girl is a sock kicker. She has lost over 12 socks since she was born= ^_^= . I know I am partly to blame, but I do hate turning down gifts, and feel it's rude to do so. It is a good problem to have and if I can't sell this stuff I'm thinking of donating it.
anyone know an agency that collects things for mothers in need?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Motherhood Mealtdown
I just read this post by a fellow mommy blogger that made me take a deep breath and relax. This blogger wrote about her brief inability to breastfeed due to the medication she was taking and how it affected how she viewed herself as a mom. Below you will find the excerpt that resounded most with me. I hope it helps all of us just relax and be confident that we are doing our best.
"I used to think I was defined by my cloth diapering, babywearing, organic eating, acrylic painting, woods dwelling, fast talking, vaccination delaying, color obsessing, amateur gardening, baby food making, photograph taking, faraway traveling, baby making, tattoo designing, non-circumcising, lakeside living, small government believing, pro-life advocating, television abandoning, extended breastfeeding, German speaking, deep thinking, former art teaching and baby cosleeping ways.
Pride has no place in the life of a King's daughter. Which is why I'm mellowing out. Accepted that I might have to supplement a little bit. No one ever tells you how difficult pumping is; that you don't get as much as the baby get out by herself; that it takes up so much time you're consumed by guilt; that you will feel very much like a farm animal locked away in your office.Now, although I may choose to still do those things, I will simply be a sinner saved by the King's grace, wife to my Prince, mother of Many Small Children.
I feel like a giant weight has been lifted from me. No longer crushed by pride, I can just be me. A mama, doing the best I can do, loving my little girl insanely."
Milk Made!
I cut my pumping and started on this tea to reduce my supply a bit and my horror it HAS WORKED! I no longer am getting over 45 oz out per day. I don't know if anyone else who has purposefully cut their milk supply back has experienced this huge feeling that they are doing something wrong, but I had to stop. It just felt wrong, and maybe a fear of drying up too soon has gotten the best of me. It was nice not to have to wash and sterilize pump parts and lots of bottles.
I don't know, maybe I'll try it again when the baby starts on solids around six months, but for now...
let the pumping resume!
Who needs a freezer full of meat when the supermarket is just a short drive avay =^_^=
Monday, October 12, 2009
Cream Wars
It's something that most of us nursing moms can't or won't live without. I've had my fair share of dry,sore,cracked nipples mainly back when I breastfed my first son. Nowadays I like to think of myself as a well informed, research driven mommy. I know..I know...many lactation "experts" will say "use a few drops of your own milk to soothe your aching nipples". That's all good and well if you have a light dryness problem, but what if a few drops of milk won't cut it? What if you need some serious "boob lube"? Enter the NIPPLE CREAM!!!
I have always swore by the lansinoh brand and have had good results, but I did get some free samples of another brand that has me thinking twice about my next "BL" purchase.
Here is what i liked about this "other brand......
Ease of application - The cream came out of the tube with little effort and the consistency made it super easy to apply to my moderately sore and dry girls.
Sooth factor - One application lasted me until my night time shower and even afterwords my girls were smooth and soft.
Olfactory pleasure - It smelled nice (vary faint scent. if that even).
I love my lansinoh...but for this one I may have to convert to Medela.
My major issue with the lanolin cream I use now is that it is too thick to get out of the tube, and forget about it now that it's cooler. I have to warm the tube before attempting to get it out.
Nipple application is just as difficult. The stuff is STICKY! Plain and simple. You have to kneed it between your thumb and forefinger before you can apply it, and even after that it spreads very unevenly. If you have sore nipples the last ting you want to do is handle them unnecessarily.
So here I on another trip to target. I think we know which brand has won the battle today. Consider me converted! =^_^=
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wet spots
First stop was to my favorite beer garden. It was as loud and alive as I remembered! Good times and even better shellfish were had before my group headed up the street to a curious place with live music, and questionable patrons. It made for some very interesting "people watching" in between our own banter of baby talk and random things. The beverages at this place was sick and gave my ex-watering hole (this place in my borough lovingly nick named OB's) a run for it's money and not in a good way. Maybe it was me and my relatively new low tolerance, but that place kicked my ass! I even danced!
Stepping out of that place on the way home I got lots of stares from the passerby's. I didn't immediately think anything of it because ....well it was the village after all, and people act weird all the time. Thankfully a member of my party looked at my chest and promptly informed me that my shirt had two big wet milk circles on it!! ......*sigh* I forgot my breast pads.........
Even with the waterfall on my chest I still had one hell of a time, with the headache to prove it! =^_^=
Waste Not.........
Church went better than expec ted. It was our first time back since my last trimester. I sat in the back with the baby because I didn't want to leave her in the child care center in church. The only bad thing that happened was that the bottle of milk I packed leaked out into the baby bag and soaked everything in the inside pocket......bummer I know, but it was just a few bibs. The diapers were in another pocket thank goodness! With the milk gone I had no choice but to breastfeed her in the pews, again...thank goodness for boobs! As far as crying goes, she only cried a little when she wanted her sweater loosened and bounced on my knee for a bit. All in all a very successful day! No complaints here.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Milkin' Craig
Is there any other site out there that has the same functions in NY?

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Inspired Milkin'
I love being home with my sunflower and being able to exclusively breastfeed full-time, Therefore I have decided to start my own business. First comes the research part...
I will keep you posted. wish me luck.
Moomoo Reading
Hana is going to read at an early age! =^_^= She loves to hear reading...
More public feedings.........
Today we're feeding at the library. On our way back from school we bumped into Ryan's old classmate (I just moved my middle son into what we call our public private school, It's awesome). After a short chat with the mother about our up coming Halloween party at my house we decided to hit the library. Ryan read his homework books and his friend did his own homework packet. The silence lasted a good 30 minuets. I could feel the crying spell coming.
1st the whimpers.....I stand up and begin walking around the library. That keeps her occupied and looking around for about ten minuets, Then BAM! she starts crying, and of course us mommies can differentiate our babies cries, so I know that it's the cry of "nurse me to sleep". That and it's around the time when she goes down (in my arms of course) for one of her afternoon naps.
I began looking around for a quiet place to sit down and feed her. I found a chair at the end of one of the isles in the adult section. We were 5 minuets into nursing before one of the librarians came over and asked me to stop because someone had come to the front to complain about what I was doing. That was very embarrassing! It's not like I was exposed or anything, I had the blanket covering the baby and me. Well anyway, I didn't want to make a scene so I got up, baby and all, said good bye to Ryan's friend's family, and left. What jerks they are at the library.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Blog URL
Also, I've been thinking of moving this blog to another site. Still not sure but if most of my readers are on the other site, I'll switch.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Baptisim/Nursing in church.
Also the family Baptism is a month away and I have not found a dress for Hana. I'm thinking about having it custom made. Has anyone done this before? If so, how did it turn out? If I opt for a pre-made dress this is what is at the top of my list ( Its a little pricey, but this is not a item to skimp on. A 50/50 split will make it affordable.
My two boys have their awesome matching white suits already. I bought them during easter espically for this occasion, so they are set. Don't ask about what I am wearing.....I'll grab something and call it a day =^_^=.....oh well.
Church updates next week....I'll tell you all how it went. prayers& luck please.
Updates ......
Let me know. call, text, or IM me your feedback.
Also I had promised updates of some of the off topic things that are going on. Here it is
The SUV situation....
I had hoped that I everything would be finished by last Friday and I would have my car by now but there has been a glitch.........
My co-signer has a lock on his credit because he had been a victim of identity theft in the past so there are a few things he has to do before the finance company can approve us. He can also be a bit difficult, but I guess I have to deal with it in order to get this favor.
Second....the color I picked out is not going to be delivered until later this they say.
Anyway I'm still very excited! Did I mention that it has an third row seating!
Next is the house......My sister is a little hesitant but I think everything is going to work out. Honestly, she does not want to spend the money on a home in the city and feels we should look a little higher up into Westchester because you can get more for your money. I, however am sold on staying in the neighborhood I currently live in.......... I see a long process here *sigh*
Baby wearing has been going well. It's a little tiring but The baby still loves it. I don't want to go crazy spending anymore money, but I want the ergo carrier as well. It's so pink and cute. Looks like it would be a good carry as well.

The Bebe au Lait Capri nursing cover.
The Beaba Babycook
I hope I didn't leave anything out.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Milk Does a Body Good!
Speaking of nutrients....As some may know, when you're breastfeeding you have to take a multi-vitamin to ensure that you the mom stays healthy, because your body takes all the good stuff from your bones & body for the milk. Well since I hate taking the prenatal vitamin, I've been looking around for something better and I think I have found something cool. Gummy vitamins for adults! I know they may have been out for some time now....but whatever...I just found them and am very excited! I love gummies and I hope they taste as good as the kiddie ones.
Update on the milk making-----
So, I'm still making more milk than Hana can drink and I don't wish to pump and store anymore, because there is just no more room for the milk, so I have decided to try to augment my milk production by simply drinking sage tea. I was told that it will help decrease the supply.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Milkin' Movies
Breastfeeding in the theater was a cinch. Mostly because it was dark and kinda empty. Even if it was full, I think I would have not cared.
currently nursing/typing
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Bigger Family things
A few weeks ago I went to try to trade in my current 4door sedan for a suv crossover since with the new baby, there is no room for anything or anyone else in my car. I was told that because of my current at home status I would need a co-signer...BOOOOO! But I was rescued by a good friend of mine who Is going to co-sign for me because he knows that i really need the car and space for the kids. Anyway......The dealership called and told me that Honda financial is willing to finance us so it's almost a done deal!! I AM SOO VERY EXCITED, you see this car has all the connections I'll need to bring my electric breast pump on the road and more!! I guess I'll have to write via my pda about bf on the road =^_^=, I will post pictures of the car hopefully by the end of the week.