"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections to whats really important" Family!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Motherhood Mealtdown

Being a "perfect parent" ........

I just read this post by a fellow mommy blogger that made me take a deep breath and relax. This blogger wrote about her brief inability to breastfeed due to the medication she was taking and how it affected how she viewed herself as a mom. Below you will find the excerpt that resounded most with me. I hope it helps all of us just relax and be confident that we are doing our best.

"I used to think I was defined by my cloth diapering, babywearing, organic eating, acrylic painting, woods dwelling, fast talking, vaccination delaying, color obsessing, amateur gardening, baby food making, photograph taking, faraway traveling, baby making, tattoo designing, non-circumcising, lakeside living, small government believing, pro-life advocating, television abandoning, extended breastfeeding, German speaking, deep thinking, former art teaching and baby cosleeping ways.
Now, although I may choose to still do those things, I will simply be a sinner saved by the King's grace, wife to my Prince, mother of Many Small Children.
Pride has no place in the life of a King's daughter. Which is why I'm mellowing out. Accepted that I might have to supplement a little bit. No one ever tells you how difficult pumping is; that you don't get as much as the baby get out by herself; that it takes up so much time you're consumed by guilt; that you will feel very much like a farm animal locked away in your office.

I feel like a giant weight has been lifted from me. No longer crushed by pride, I can just be me. A mama, doing the best I can do, loving my little girl insanely."


LADYMAMA_V said...

I agree, relaxing is the best thing parents can do sometimes. Even if we hid it well our kids can sense stress. I used to worry about buying the best diapers, and staying on top of the latest baby trends. Now I don't do that stuff, it was stressing my family out, money wise ect... as far as my pride goes, that's out the door as well. If i had to beg for something i would, and i don't mind standing up and saying YES I BUY TOYSRUS DIAPERS AND MILK!! SO WHAT!

Mom to 2 boys, Richie (9/5/07) and Andrew (5/21/09)

Vanessa G said...

Yeah relaxing is good, slow down woman, You don't need to stress, that little angel is over loved by all of us. Plus breastfeeding her IS giving her the best inside. I'll take care of the fashion part.

slow down on the blogs .... I'm having trouble keeping up

MooMoo Mama said...

VG- I'll try to tone the posting down, but maybe you need to check in more often lol! I'm working on the relaxing part, just need to change perspective once in a while.

MooMoo Mama said...

LM_V- Bump! I agree with the whole "pride out the door' thing. You gotta know when to stand down, if it means getting things done.

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